
What Are Ideal Living Conditions for Termites? (Part Two)

In part one of this series, we began to scratch the surface on the ideal living conditions for termites. We noted that they’re easily parched and need to be near a water source for survival which makes wood a perfect home — it offers nourishment and is close to the soil for termites to retreat to for an occasional drink. Combine that with tropical and subtropical climates, and they’re ready to set up shop in the prime real estate location of Arizona.

At Arizona Termite Specialists, we are a family-owned small business that provides termite inspection and termite control in the Scottsdale area. This area is a unique area that boasts beautiful weather that both humans and insects thrive in! Follow along in today’s post, in the conclusion of the ideal living conditions for termites.

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Home Is Where the Moisture Is!

To make a nice, humble home, termites need moisture! Because they’re susceptible to dehydration, they like to stay close to a water source — whether that is rich, moist soil, water pipes, or pants and trees, if they find one they’ll stay. To keep termites from your home consider the following:

Inspect your outdoor environment – Check all water sources, such as spigots and sprinklers, for any leaks or water damage — once the termites find the water source, and a bonus of water damage to the wood siding, this is a clear invitation that you indeed are in search of roommates! Faulty gutters are also notorious for attracting termites as they can fill with debris and not properly deposit water, creating puddles of water close to your home’s foundation.

Inspect the indoors, too – Inspect your home’s water pipes, HVAC system, and appliances and ensure they’re free of drips and water damage. Termites love to breed in water, so any standing water is setting the mood for a termite romance!

Home Is Where the Plant Life Is!Termite

Forget xeriscaping, termites love lush and bountiful landscaping! If you’ve got a green thumb of thriving plants, chances are, the termites are not far behind! Termites love an abundantly rich soil where they can begin to build their colony beneath the ground. Once the termites begin to colonize underground near your garden, there isn’t much you can do at this point if you don’t want to disrupt your plants. To prevent termites from colonizing near your garden consider the following:

Keep a tidy garden – Remove all dead and decaying plants. Termites love to feast on decaying plants, so having any around will invite them to help themselves.

Keep your plants a good distance from your home – Because the plants and soil attracts termites, it’s important to keep plantlife at a distance to divert attention from your home.   

Perhaps you have a lavish home ever so inviting to termites, but how do you know you have them?

The Signs of a Termite Infestation

Beyond the perfect environment, there are indications that your home may have termites including:

  • Swarms of winged insects around your home
  • Bubbling or cracked paint
  • Hollow wood
  • Mud tube structures on outdoor walls, wooden beams, and crawl spaces
  • Abandoned, loose wings

How does a termite colony go from harmless to harmful?

Termite colonies can easily move from on your property to your home quite rapidly. Remember it’s the water damaged foundation or wooden structures that capture their attention.

Home infestations begin with the following:

  • Wooden structures in direct contact with the soil
  • Firewood stacked against the house
  • Damp soil surrounding the foundation
  • Plantlife, including shrubs and trees, in close proximity to the house  

From our exploration of termites, we’ve uncovered that they love warm, damp conditions and are drawn to wood, moisture, and plant life. If you forego termite prevention by removing trees, wood, and water from your property, a termite infestation is highly likely to move from the property to your home, so prevention is crucial.

If you’ve recently moved into a home or are suspicious that your home has termites it’s important to get a professional termite inspection to mitigate the damage.

At Arizona Termite Specialists, we offer our comprehensive termite protection and termite control, and we use Termidor which is undetectable to termites as they pass it along to each part of their colony.

For more information about our termite control services, reach out and connect with us today! ATS provides termite treatment services here in Scottsdale, as well as Phoenix, Cave Creek, Gilbert, Mesa, and Peoria.

The post What Are Ideal Living Conditions for Termites? (Part Two) appeared first on Arizona Termite Specialists.

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