
Why Invest in Termite Inspections BEFORE You Buy a Home

Termites can be pesky little bugs, indeed. They are hard to spot because they live almost completely underground except when foraging for food. They only come out in swarms, and then that’s only for about 30 minutes. They prefer to live completely undetected, which protects them from predators, such as ants and armadillos. Thus, when they invade your home or office, they could be there for a very long time before you discover them.

Termites, both the subterranean and the drywood termite, call Arizona home. In fact, this is a perfect living environment for them with the hot temperatures and plenty to eat. This means that it pays to be proactive about termites so that they can be discovered and eradicated before they do major damage to a building.

If you’re looking for a home to buy in Peoria, Arizona, knowing the nitty-gritty about termites can save you from buying a home that is infested by termites unbeknownst by the owner.

Arizona Termite Specialists offers home inspections and termite inspections before you close on your new home. We recommend that you perform a termite inspection during your regular home inspections. Below, we’ll list reasons for investing in a termite inspection before you close on your new home in Peoria. Call our termite control experts today!


You Have an Out

Once you sign on the dotted line at your home closing, the home is officially yours. That means all of the problems with the home are officially yours as well, including a termite infestation. However, if you have a termite inspection performed before you sign on the dotted line, the termite problem is the homeowner’s problem. This gives you a means to get out of the home purchase if there is sufficient structural damage to the home, amongst other reasons.

You Can Negotiate Their Removal

In the same vein as you having an out, you can also negotiate during the buying process for the removal and treatment of the termites. Most often, the seller of the home will agree to pay for a certified termite control exterminator, such as Arizona Termite Specialists in Peoria, to perform an inspection and treat the home for termites, as well as prove that they’ve done so before the sale of the home. If you don’t take this step, you will have to pay for the treatment of the home after the sale is finalized.

You Can Negotiate Any Necessary Home Repairs

If significant damage is found to the home due to termites, you are able to negotiate this into the home’s sale as well. Some options include having the homeowner pay for all necessary repairs, or dropping the sale price of the home to compensate for the amount of the necessary repairs. Again, this is only possible if the termites and the termite damage is found ahead of closing on your new home. This is also why you should choose a termite control expert, such as Arizona Termite Specialists in Peoria, for a home inspection. Spotting termites is notoriously difficult, and in order to be 100% sure the home you are purchasing is completely free of a termite infestation, you need an expert who knows what to look for.

Termite Inspection CTA


Having your home inspected before you buy it just makes sense. It also offers peace of mind knowing that you won’t be hit with a huge bill and damage to your home once the ink is dry. Arizona Termite Specialists in Peoria offers high-quality termite inspections, as well as termite treatments while you are waiting on your home closing. Our professional termite exterminator will search every inch of your new home, both inside and out, looking for signs of termites. You can rest assured that if we clear your home, then you are good to go.

Termites are insects that don’t want to be found. Thus, it’s extremely important to know the signs that they leave behind from their activities. Once we’ve found termites and implemented our termite control service that is tailored to your unique home, we’ll issue a certificate of services rendered. This step will help you get closer to your dream home.

We use Termidor® exclusively to solve the termite infestations we discover in Peoria-area homes. This method uses a termiticide that is sprayed around the perimeter of your home. Then, when the termites walk through it, they pick up this poison on their skin. Termites obsessively clean each other. This means that when this termite returns home, the one cleaning him will ingest the poison that will kill him. However, this poison can easily travel from one termite to another with this termite removal service. If you are buying a home, call our termite company for your termite inspection today!

The post Why Invest in Termite Inspections BEFORE You Buy a Home appeared first on Arizona Termite Specialists.

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